Saturday, April 28, 2012

Curtis Bonk's open course

Curtis Bonk's open course (MOOC) Instructional Ideas and Technology Tools for Online Success is up and it's orientation week. The course is running on CourseSites. I've been spending some time clicking around. It's taking me some time to get acclimated. We've got "discuss" and "blog" on the left-hand toolbar. There seems to be a distinction between Forums and Discussions, but I don't see anything on the toolbar for Forums. When I click "Week 1", I find "Forum: Week 1..." which is listed under the bread trail as "Discussion Board > Forum: Week 1..." Everything's the same color. The discussion posts don't seem to know that you've read them unless you click a check box and then mark the selected thread(s) as "read" under a [message actions] button. I'm finding that have to scroll up and down to see the name of the post and a list of any replies. Then it seems best to scroll back up and use the breadcrumb trail. There are a few things listed as "Blog". We each have our own blog and there are some additional blogs... and there are some things listed as wikis - and then there are some groups - and groups have blogs and wikis of their own. That might be too many layers of blogs and wikis for me!
Nevertheless I'm trying to make some contributions to this course. I've got some time to spend on this course over the next couple of weeks. Maybe I can even complete the Badge work for this course. I'm wondering if it'll turn out that some people wish I'd maintain my usual lurker status.

P.S. It's fun to run across from familiar names from earlier MOOCs.

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